求英语大神将下面一段进行英语翻译,请不要使用百度,谷歌,有道,金山翻译,谢谢! “ 他们说,前面没
求英语大神将下面一段进行英语翻译,请不要使用百度,谷歌,有道,金山翻译,谢谢! “ 他们说,前面没
日期:2015-09-08 18:37:53 人气:1
"They say, there is no way ahead, I say, is it? The road in the foot, in the heart, may, on the road covered with thorns; may, at any time the storm struck, I would be lost. But my faith, never falter! Because, in the other side of the road, I see th